Apply now for an ISRC code

ISRCs are assigned by owners of recordings. They can be assigned by individual artists, by record companies — you just need an ISRC Prefix Code.

All applications for ISRC Prefix Codes shall be addressed to the ISRC Agency relevant to the territory where the applicant is either headquartered, or at the choice of the applicant, in a territory within which the applicant’s operations are based.

You do not need to be a member of IFPI or any other music industry body in order to apply for a Prefix Code and assign ISRCs to your recordings.

See all ISRC Agencies

In cases where the applicant has neither headquarters or operations in a territory for which there is an ISRC Agency, applications may be directed to the International ISRC Registration Authority via the process below.

Please remember ISRCs are assigned ONCE and remain the same for the lifetime of the recording. Should the rights be sold to a sound or music video recording that has an ISRC assigned, the new rights owner must not change that ISRC.


Are you based, or are your operations based in a territory that is covered by an ISRC Agency?

Manager Application

If you wish to assign ISRCs to sound recordings or music video recordings owned by other parties, please download and complete the form ‘ISRC Manager Application Form’.

Go to the ISRC Managers Page