In many territories, ISRC Agencies carry out the majority of the day-to-day work in maintaining the ISRC system internationally.

Please refer to the list here

New Applications for ISRC Agencies

Applicants pending appointment:

ISRC Agency Responsibilities

ISRC Agencies are obliged according to ISO 3901 to do the following:

  1. Inform all producers in their respective countries about the ISRC system and its benefits and promote its use;
  2. Use best endeavours to ensure that all tracks of digital recordings issued by producers after 1 January 1992, have an ISRC number;
  3. Inform all producers of the national Country Code, as per ISO 3166;
  4. Allocate Registrant Codes to all producers and inform them of their codes;
  5. Use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all tracks originated in the country are allocated ISRC numbers by the producer. (The (P) notice on a recording is to be used as a guide to the correct allocation and use of Registrant Codes);
  6. Provide producers with guidelines on the practical implementation of the system and resolve operational problems in liaison with the International Registration Authority (IFPI) to prevent inconsistencies;
  7. Keep a record of all Registrant Codes and to which companies they were allocated and in accordance with ISO 3901, prepare two listings in alphanumeric sequence;
  8. Act as a controller and arbitrator for all ISRC matters in the country;
  9. Report, once a year, to the International Registration Authority (IFPI) on the implementation of ISRC in their respective countries;
  10. When possible, act as a repository for information on sound recording identification and ownership in their country.

ISRC Agencies may also choose whether to appoint ISRC Managers.
For ISRC Agencies who have not previously appointed ISRC Managers, please contact the International Registration Authority (IFPI) to discuss before making any appointments.